Monday 23 February 2015

Life Was Not Full Circle?

What lies within the circle? It seems like space. And how can something be enclosed within that space? Funny, but life is considered full circle. And so much happens in our lives, how can we say it is empty. Once we are the master of our own lives, what we do with our lives lies within us. How we want to lead it or how we we want to be led and what we make out of it. So until the time we can, we should do well. Not because someone tells us so, but because we want it to be so. Not for someone else, and you might be surprised, but selfishly for yourself. For what you do today, eventually comes back to you. Simple as that.
It has also been scientifically proven to be the underlying principle of a balanced ecosystem. And this is known as symbiosis. A symbiotic relationship is shared between all human organisms. And the balance is only attained when every one works together. All because life has a boomerang effect.


Tuesday 10 February 2015

In the day.

Like in the song by John Lennon: Imagine there's no social media... What if someday this had to happen? Especially with the trend that is on right now, where every moment of your life is recorded. From the time you are awake until the time you actually pass out, there are no happenings not reported. I mean, is life all around this? So when do we have time for the rest of our things, like time with family, friends and ourselves without any distractions? Do we?

Gone are the days when one would get together with family/friends and be involved in every conversation without looking into their mobile gadgets. There was an involvement, a sense of belonging. Now most people have a belonging to their respective device. And it’s “Selfie Time” and the picture is shortly uploaded.

While it is nice to stay connected, it is important that expressing one's feelings to close ones or socialising is not restricted to social media. Life isn't only about social media. It goes beyond that. 

What if there was a place where there was no internet connection or no power or a blackout? 

Life Without Internet