Thursday 26 March 2015

There Were No Miracles?

Do you believe in miracles? There would be some point in your life when you do realise that it occurred in your life. Now miracle essentially means something you hadn’t thought about or even imagined of in your wildest dreams.

Now whenever this happens, be grateful. Grateful that it happened to you. And this is only because you are you and you are special. When there are millions in this world, why would it be that you be one of the lucky ones? Something to ponder about.

Whether it is logical or not to believe in miracles remains to be a debatable issue. But if it does, say thanks. Like saying grace after and before every meal. But what bigger miracle than the fact that you are actually living. That itself is a miracle. Agree? And so, celebrate life; you only live once.

Tuesday 24 March 2015

If The Word Hate Never Existed?

There always seems to be a clash in opinions in every thing in today's world. It's an issue made out, even if one never existed. Internal conflicts, external conflicts, arguments, battles and wars.

The cause: all because of a misunderstanding. Well, is it really the cause? No actually, it is a lack of communication.

That’s like a lame excuse in today’s digital era of and continuous evolving technology. Name it and you have it. From a telephone up to a laptop, there is definitely a means to get across. Even if you don’t want to speak directly, there are alternatives. 

There is so much of ‘hate’ in this world. It is clearly evident in the way the newspapers are filled with horror stories and not news. You have to compel yourself to read it. So then you tend to wonder if you want to read it or not. It’s like what genre of movie would you watch – a tragedy or a comedy.

Such issues are not always worldly. They can even happen to any one of us. So don’t bottle it up all within you, because then when you react no one understands why. So what is the solution? Be happy. Smile often. Engage yourself with what you love. And share, if you care.

Monday 23 March 2015

There Were No Friends?

Would not our world just be empty? And meaningless. Life would be... so lifeless. As babies, we make that initial choice of the people we like and don't. And those that we do pick remain to be friends for life. With no extra effort, they come into our lives. With some, it is a transition. And with some, it is a permanent fixture. 

Whatever be the phase, and it also sounds like a marketing lingo, there are some for life because of the "value they add". But life teaches us, through experience, who is to be and not to be. We don't need to have many. It sometimes is best not to have any. And this is only because the close ones do not remain as friends anymore but become family.

Life is blessed if you are surrounded by such people, as they are there to liven up each day. So to all my dear friends, for whatever time it is in your life, celebrate every day happily because you are loved and cared for.

Sunday 22 March 2015

There Weren't Any Animals?

Isn't man an animal? Don't we display similar traits and emotions? How could we live without them on this earth? While they are also looked upon as a source of food, isn’t there a bond that we create with them too. That kind of a relationship which has no demands or expectations whatsoever. So what makes us different; our knowledge, our education, our understanding. But then animals don’t literally go to school. 
The question to us is how much do we display all this when we are in society. Is man a social animal? Are we well-mannered, polite, courteous and considerate? Do we treat all equal irrespective of sex, nationality, caste or creed? Interestingly, we do come across animals who do show that they understand each other, irrespective of the breed. They co-exist with us in this world and yet we do not learn from them, and are also expressive beyond words.

Monday 9 March 2015

There Was No Gender Discrimination?

Life would have been more simple or less complex. The issues arising because of the gender differences would never exist. 
Gender equality would be the key to success. For six years in a row, Iceland is the leading country respect to the gender gap index. This would mean that disparities are minimal in any field.

No disparity in gender

This would also help minimise the stereotypes that have been created in the society. For example, don't cry like a girl or fight like a man. In the early childhood days are these phrases frequently used which tends to be carried throughout one's life. Can gender not be kept aside whilst addressing any topic of discussion?

Sunday 8 March 2015

There Were No Relationships?

Would there be a meaning to life? I doubt.
No God, no parents, no brothers, no sisters, no spouse, no children, no friends. Is there life? Life is transient without them. From the stage of conception, there is a bonding between a mother and her child. Nine months later, it is not the birth of a child alone, but the birth of a family. And then there are beginnings like there was no end. 
Best Relationship: Talk Like Best Friends, Play Like Children, Argue Like Husband And Wife, Protect Each Other Like Brother And Sister.

Family in Life
Friendship in lifeGod in our lives

What do you think?  

Tuesday 3 March 2015

There Was No Death?

This would mean life, after life, after life. Would there be any end to it... no. Would there be any fear of losing it... no.

This thought would bring a smile to many; to think of loved ones living with you forever. I would be most happy to have my grandmother back. I would love to relive those special moments with her once again. Such a thought would be so calming. 

Let’s look at this aspect in another way too. There is always that anxiety when we think until when we would live. That instills a fear within us, and we try to do our best until that day. We try to undo all the wrong we have done. Our religious beliefs also tell us to do good until our last so that we and our close ones enjoy the fruits of it later. 

So now coming back to where we started. If that fear wasn’t there, would we still have been good, done good and lived good? Something to ponder about.


There Was No Music!

Exclamation.... That's what it is, an angered or a surprised or painful reaction. It would be very rare to find someone who would not react to this statement. This is all because music is within us. 
Right from the time the day begins, there's music in the birds chirping. And the day goes on with some kind of music playing through one's system in some form or the other, until the day ends. 

Whatever be the genre, there is always a connection with music. With it comes an element of harmony as music knows no language. It crosses all borders and barriers. It is what brings about unity. It also bridges the gap between generations. 

Music is in every moment of our life; it is our very existence. It is like the air we breathe. And also to say...


Monday 23 February 2015

Life Was Not Full Circle?

What lies within the circle? It seems like space. And how can something be enclosed within that space? Funny, but life is considered full circle. And so much happens in our lives, how can we say it is empty. Once we are the master of our own lives, what we do with our lives lies within us. How we want to lead it or how we we want to be led and what we make out of it. So until the time we can, we should do well. Not because someone tells us so, but because we want it to be so. Not for someone else, and you might be surprised, but selfishly for yourself. For what you do today, eventually comes back to you. Simple as that.
It has also been scientifically proven to be the underlying principle of a balanced ecosystem. And this is known as symbiosis. A symbiotic relationship is shared between all human organisms. And the balance is only attained when every one works together. All because life has a boomerang effect.


Tuesday 10 February 2015

In the day.

Like in the song by John Lennon: Imagine there's no social media... What if someday this had to happen? Especially with the trend that is on right now, where every moment of your life is recorded. From the time you are awake until the time you actually pass out, there are no happenings not reported. I mean, is life all around this? So when do we have time for the rest of our things, like time with family, friends and ourselves without any distractions? Do we?

Gone are the days when one would get together with family/friends and be involved in every conversation without looking into their mobile gadgets. There was an involvement, a sense of belonging. Now most people have a belonging to their respective device. And it’s “Selfie Time” and the picture is shortly uploaded.

While it is nice to stay connected, it is important that expressing one's feelings to close ones or socialising is not restricted to social media. Life isn't only about social media. It goes beyond that. 

What if there was a place where there was no internet connection or no power or a blackout? 

Life Without Internet