Sunday 22 March 2015

There Weren't Any Animals?

Isn't man an animal? Don't we display similar traits and emotions? How could we live without them on this earth? While they are also looked upon as a source of food, isn’t there a bond that we create with them too. That kind of a relationship which has no demands or expectations whatsoever. So what makes us different; our knowledge, our education, our understanding. But then animals don’t literally go to school. 
The question to us is how much do we display all this when we are in society. Is man a social animal? Are we well-mannered, polite, courteous and considerate? Do we treat all equal irrespective of sex, nationality, caste or creed? Interestingly, we do come across animals who do show that they understand each other, irrespective of the breed. They co-exist with us in this world and yet we do not learn from them, and are also expressive beyond words.

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