Monday 23 March 2015

There Were No Friends?

Would not our world just be empty? And meaningless. Life would be... so lifeless. As babies, we make that initial choice of the people we like and don't. And those that we do pick remain to be friends for life. With no extra effort, they come into our lives. With some, it is a transition. And with some, it is a permanent fixture. 

Whatever be the phase, and it also sounds like a marketing lingo, there are some for life because of the "value they add". But life teaches us, through experience, who is to be and not to be. We don't need to have many. It sometimes is best not to have any. And this is only because the close ones do not remain as friends anymore but become family.

Life is blessed if you are surrounded by such people, as they are there to liven up each day. So to all my dear friends, for whatever time it is in your life, celebrate every day happily because you are loved and cared for.

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